
Thursday, 17 May 2012

Sweet Rain!

Не дъждовна, но сънлива, такава е тази сутрин и ми се иска да видя нещо хубаво и в унисон, пастелно, нежно и вкусно, като облачни сладки макарони!
Източник снимки: Carnets Parisiens


  1. yum-yum (: искам да ги схрускам всичките!

  2. Hi ! I hope that you are able to translate this message but I just wanted to pop by and say that I have nominated you on my blog for the Liebster Blog Award. I love your pinterest boards and through that have come to love your blog which is so darn cute ! I hope this little token will make you as happy as I was when I was rewarded mine. Love Chrissi xx from with Passion and Love x

    1. Wow, Chrissi, that's really great!
      Thanks for the nomination!
      I'm flattered by your kindest words!
      Hugs and kisses from Bulgaria :)
